Monday, June 14, 2010
hella crazy night
I woke up this morning still high. me caleb and andrew went to some crazy ass party the night before. I didnt remember it though, thats just what caleb told me :P. he said I passed out at 3 30. i was sort of suprized. Andrews usually the one who passes out, Guess it was my turn :p. I went in the bathroom, took a shower, found some hickeys, and a brand spankin new tattoo on my neck. man, i must have been really fucked up at that party. i came out of the shower and put on a towel. "were'd that shit come from?" andrew said pokin my neck. "im just as curious as you are." i said half asleep half high. "Ma is ganna b real pissed when she sees that." austin said from the kitchen, overhearing our conversation. "yea i know. how do i get it off?"i said. "yea, unless ur plannin on wearin' turtle necks for the rest of ur life im pretty damn sure shes ganna see it." caleb said lookin at the tattoo. "shut up smart ass." i said getting kind of mad, i had a raging hang over and i was in no kind of mood to hear shit from my little brother."were havin' company later." austin said. i forgot that Brook Dawn candie Elena and bre were supposed to crash at our place, which would work out cuz my parents werent home for the weekend. Remembering that they were coming, i put on some clothes, because you know, those might b necessary or somthin :p. All of a sudden the phone started to ring. i picked it up and it was elena she said she was sitting on her roof and it was raining, so she fell off and hurt her leg. at that point i was finally off house arrest, so i told her id b right thier. I saw elena in her yard crying. the only thing that ever really gets at me is wen a girl crys, idk y, but it makes me feel really bad. and if its a guy that makes a girl cry, il make him cry. I told her to calm down and i carried her back to my car. We got back to my house and andrew got her ice. She wanted to watch some soap oprah, the only reason i comprimized was cuz she was hurt. Me and Cal just stared at the TV like it was on crack, stupidest shit ive ever seen on a television screen :p. Elena fell asleep so we emideitly put on ESPN. It was around 7 and me austin caleb and andrew were all watchin tv while elena slept. The door bell rang. "Come in!" austin yelled still staring at the TV. none of us wanted to miss anything :p. "sup hoes." dawn said walking past us to put her stuff in Calebs room. Brook went over to austin and kissed him then went to go put her stuff down. brook came back and sat on the floor. "wat you doin." Brook said smiling. "watchin hockey.." andrew said distracted by the TV. Dawn came over and turned off the TV. "well now ur not." dawn said smiling. "candie is bringin the tequila and melon liquer, wat do yall got?" "i got weed right here if ur down for that :p" i said. "ew guys dont smoke it in here i hate that smell." brook said. "relax we'll go outside." I said taking it out of my pocket. "Im comin." Caleb said, dawn and andrew followed. On my way out i hit elena with a pillow. "im up im up.." she said tiredly. "u gna smoke with us or not?" i said waiting for her response. "duh." she said hobbling with her hurt leg out the door with us. Brook didnt want to smoke, so austin stayed inside with her and watched some movie. We were about to start but candie and bre started coming up our side walk. "hey brum" bre said as she walked. "Omg elena are u okay?" candie said." yea yea, im fine." she said. i lit it up."ladies first." i said handing it to andrew. he hit me in the arm and we all just past it around the circle between me andrew caleb dawn candie and elena, but bre just chilled next to me. After a few pulls some of us were high as a kite, and it was funny shit. Candie started talking about how much she likes the little feathers inside of pillows, and how her pikachu and squirtle are way better then mine. Andrew was having an engaging conversation with the tree's in our front yard. bre was singing staceys mom with Dawn, even though bre wasnt even high :p. Caleb was colecting some leaves from the bushes, for god knows what reason. and Elena was trying to convince me that andrew looked like elmo and hally berry mixed together, and i just sat on the porch laughing to myself. People were starting to turn on thier lights to look out thier windows and see wat all the noise was coming from, but we all were to fucked up to care. "let me just..hey let me just. get my uhm uh liquer." dawn said wabbling up the porch. she opend her bag and pulled out a bottel of melon liquer and golden tiquela. she sat next to me and bre, and handed me the melon stuff. it was like 40 percent alchohol or some shit, so me and her both downed it and got pretty fucked up. everyone else saw we werent sharing and came over to drink with us. We played this game, were u pick a topic like famous people or fruits or some shit, and u go through the alphabet trying to think of a thing for that topic for that letter that ur at in the alphabet. and if u take more then 3 seconds to think of it, u take a shot. ha elena fails at that game and ended up drinkin a hole lot, but as the game went on, and we all got more wasted, like no one could think of anything :p. so it was about 3 in the morning and we walked in making no sense. brooke and austin were asleep but woke up wen we all walked in. I attempted to make food being that i was high before, but being drunk wasnt helping me make food to well. So i sed fuck it and went to find a bed to sleep in. everyone just past out were ever. I woke up around 12 30, Brooke austin Dawn and caleb were already up. bre was next to me, which is kind of bad since shes got a boy and all, but we just slept nothing else. candie was on andrews floor, and elena was on the couch. i got up and went into calebs room and stepped on andrew, and dawn and caleb started laughing. "crazy night.." i said laughing.
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About Me

- Kyle Brumley
- Im 17 years old. dangerous, reckless, not to nice, and adreneline junkie. My brothers are austin caleb and andrew brumley. Mess with my friends or family and ill fuck you up, no questions asked.
God that was a fucking crazy night!! I got the drunkist and passed out last. I do not fail at that game I just wanted to drink more. Didn't I run into a wall on the way in? God I don't fucking remeber
ReplyDeletelmao! i kept hearing people screaming outside. i didnt know wat the fuck was happening. it was some creepy shit., it was mainly old people though :p. we got alot of those on our block..
ReplyDeleteWhat. The. Fuck?! I actually did all that? Hahaha, I didn't remember anything... But it sure sounded like funny shit, I was laughing the whole time I read this >_<
ReplyDeleteHoly crow you guys are INSANE! Hahaha
ReplyDeletethat was a B.L.A.S.T.!!... so much fucking fun (: we need to do this again
ReplyDeleteHaha. Melon liquer Is my shit yo :3. I wanna sleep overt again :D
ReplyDeletewow that did sound like a crazy night.....
ReplyDeleteHell yeah it did guys.
ReplyDeletePOST KYLE!!!!1
ReplyDeleteKYLE POSSTT!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBahaha xD yall are retards. I get all philosiphical..err however you spell it...when im high :)