Monday, July 5, 2010
grandma and grandpa brumley
"kyle.. kyle!, wake up, its 2 o clock in the afternoon!" my mom said shaking me. i dont know why she was getting so mad that i was still asleep, i dont usually wake up until late afternoon anyway "im up im up.." i said half asleep. you know, being drunk all night has its perks, until your mom comes in and starts yelling at u to get up, so u can start ur wonderful hangover "good because your grandparents are coming over later and you need to clean this room." she said as she left my room. So thats why i had to get up. I wasnt to fond of my grandparents, my grand father tells war stories while eating his meat loaf, and it aint pretty. then my grandma just has a big mouth, and says what ever comes to mind, which usually drives my mom crazy. So i cleaned my room, shoving the clothes under my bed, and throwing out empty beer bottles. "your girlfriend called, she said yall are watching a movie over here or somethin? i dont know. well she said she'll be over in 5 minutes " andrew said barging in my room. "uhoh, gram and pop are coming over today though" austin said coming up behind andrew. My grandparents are horrible with company. thier embaressing, loud, and say what ever the fuck they want, so this was a horrible day for blair to be coming over, but i figured we could eat dinner, then stay in my room until they left, and yes they really are that bad that a 17 yr old boy has to go hide in his room haha. "and kyle, wear something decent for when they come over okay? i dont need your grandmother making comments about how i let you boys dress" my mom said walking in my room. my dads mom never liked my mom, so my mom always made us try really hard when she came over. i looked around my room and it looked clean enough. "hey". i turned around and blair was standing in my door way. "hey um we have a problem, my grandparents are comin over today" i said. she gave me a wierd look and came over and gave me a kiss. "so? they could watch the movie with us." "uhh nooo they can't" i said shaking my head. just then the door bell rang and i left my room and went to the door with blair. "kyle! hello dear how have you been!" my grandma said giving me a hug as if she didnt see me last week. "hey gram, im doin fine." i said pulling away from her hug. "and whos this? is this your girlfriend?" my grandma said while she gave blair the once over. "yea, this is blair" i said. "oh well hello" my grandma said and kept talking to blair and walked with her to the table. my grandpa was already asking blair why she likes a guy with so many tattoos. grandpa was already at the table rambling on about somthing to my brothers. we all sat down to eat. "it was 1967, and the vietnemeese were comin at me like crazy.." my grandpa rambled on, andrew fell asleep at the table and austin kicked him to wake him up :p, caleb was playing with his fork haha, and i just stared at nothing for 20 minutes as my grandpa just kept talking away. "ya know julie, itd be nice if you cooked this chicken a little longer" my grandma said in her nasily voice. the table just went silent. "foods good mom." i said breaking through the silence. "thanks hun" she said smiling. "and why do you let your sons get these tattoos and piercings? its unhealthy and unpresentable." another akward silence fell over the room. "alright i suppose we should leave now. goodnight robert. goodnight julie" my grandma said as they got up from the table and got thier things. they hugged us good bye and left our house."finally" i said still sitting down. i went up stairs to change clothes, and came back down to watch a movie with blair. "you were right, they are one hell of a pair" blair said. i laughed and the boys came in the room with us to watch south park imaginationland: the movie. grandparents suck lol
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About Me

- Kyle Brumley
- Im 17 years old. dangerous, reckless, not to nice, and adreneline junkie. My brothers are austin caleb and andrew brumley. Mess with my friends or family and ill fuck you up, no questions asked.